大溪 No. 1 Outdoor Party
Endless Summer Party
永夏派對 堅持純粹
海浪 月光 星星 與 最歡樂的電音
永夏派對@ 蜜月灣 2006 Party Date: 8/5 9/9 10/7
最新公告! Party時間即日起改為下午3:00~晚上12:00
2006永夏派對徵求年輕、勇猛、對電子音樂擁有無限熱情的DJ一起來djing,意者請在留言版留下你的 email address,歡迎熱愛海洋、群眾、勇於接受挑戰的你一起來創造 outdoor party的精采!
Love & Peace
The Spirit of Endless Summer Party
Trust me
It's Paradise
This is where the hungry come to feed
For mine is a generation that circles the globe
in search of something we haven't tried before
so never refuse an invitation
never resist the unfamiliar
never fail to be polite
and never outstay your welcome
just keep your mind open and
suck in the experience
and if it hurts
you know what... it's probably worth it
you hope, and you dream
but you never believe that
something is going to happen for you
not like it does in the movies
and when it actually does
you expect it to feel different
more visirale
more real
i was waiting for it to hit me
i still believe in paradise
but now at least i know it's not some place you can look for
cause it's not where you go
it's how you feel for a moment in your life
and if you find that moment it lasts forever
it lasts forever
lasts forever
- Aug 03 Thu 2006 20:22
2006蜜月灣 永夏派對